
My first job was at a fish store when I was 13. After gutting one too many, I figured there had to be a better way to make a living. So I turned to the creative arts and never looked back.

Since then, I’ve been tinkering—in advertising, branding, design, film, photography, patents, and a little entrepreneur-ing on the side. I studied studio advertising photography, which led me into advertising as an art director, now morphing into what I call a "junior creative director" (a title I made up, but it fits).

I also invent things—a lot. I once won an invention contest on Quarky.com (before they went bankrupt), featuring a product they actually prototyped. I hold multiple patents, from musical gadgets to AR technology—mostly for fun, but sometimes they turn into something bigger.

Oh, and I play a mean guitar—check it out [here].

At the end of the day, I’m just making things up as I go. I have no idea what I was doing there. But I do know one thing—those trousers look painfully tight.